We started our journey by putting the tire chains which none of us have put before.. After the hassle of how to attach them and the excitement that it will take up most of the way, we found out it was only good to save us 1.5Km. It was warm enough to make the snow soft for our 2WD to sink and the chains seemed useless in those conditions. We snowshoed long time on Roe Creek and into forest to reach elevation of about 1200m beyond the tree line. Trail breaking became difficult and tiring. Wind and cold bizzard overshadowed of what could awaited for us. It was 5pm and the visibility was getting harder. I changed my clothes with dry ones getting ready for the next phase. But after a moment of thinking, we all thought it was wiser to turn back now. Two steps after that, I broke my snowshoes to seal our decision. This is the third MSR showshoes that I broke this year which was one of the pretty old pairs that I had. Fortunately, Cheryl had a duct tape which helped to get me through the deep snow.
There are many branches along the way. If you are not familiar with the area, it will be a challenge. The main fork is the one between Roe Creek and Chance Creek which you can see on one of the pictures below. The rest are easier to distinguish. Off Roe Creek, the turn off towards Brew Hut is on another logging road. few hundred meters after the turnoff there is another branch. Take right. The proper trailhead that goes into a forest is on the corner of the logging road which continues further and leads to nowhere.
Total time of the trip took 9:40 hours in relaxing pace.
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